Sunday, July 17, 2011


I've been a camp counselor for the past 6 years, roughly, and a paid one for the past 3 or 4. It has honestly been such a great experience- kids are funny, they don't care about anything, and believe it or not, you can even learn from them just as much as they can learn from you.

But mainly, it's just extremely fun and rewarding to know that you might be impacting their lives and making good memories of their childhood for them to look back on when such a time comes. The laughs that they provide are real and they even hurt sometimes, in the best way possible. Kids don't care (for the most part) how you look or how popular you are. They don't care about impressing anyone either, simply because they do not know what that is yet.

People always seem so shocked that I am a counselor but I just say with a smile that I am and yes, it is largely unlike me. But like I said, it is so rewarding to just see them enjoy their lives and have fun before they grow up, while their minds are still young and pure.