Sunday, May 29, 2011

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Tyler, The Creator

I have been meaning to make a post about this for a while and feel that it's finally time, what with all the recent controversy from Tegan and Sara/whoever.

Since the very first time I was introduced to Tyler, I have been utterly captivated. He seemed like an energetic kid full of personality and comedic intelligence. Not only was he, as a person, different than most, but also something completely different in terms of the rap industry. When friends showed me Odd Future videos on Youtube, I was speechless (in an apathetic way) and more or less wrote them off as another small time rap group. Months passed until the video 'Yonkers' went viral. I recall watching it maybe three or four times a day for a week straight. It was then I realized how talented this 20 year old actually is. Some lyrics from his song 'Yonkers':

Jesus called, he said he's sick of the disses
I told him to quit bitching and this isn't a fucking hotline
For a fucking shrink, sheesh I already got mine
And he's not fucking working, I think I'm wasting my damn time.

There is no doubt that this guy is talented, possibly the most talented new rap artist to come onto the scene in quite some time; it is very refreshing that he is not rapping about getting money and sleeping with "hoes", or whatever else you hear on the radio nowadays. Although he does have some extremely racy lyrics, such as:

"I'm fucking Goldilocks up in the forest
In the three bear house eating their muthafuckin' porridge
I tell her it's my house, give her a tour
In my basement, and keep that bitch locked up in the storage
Rape her and record it, then edit it with more shit" -'French! Featuring Hodgy Beats'

"I want to tie her body up and throw her in my basement
Keep her there, so nobody can wonder where her face went
(Tyler, what you doing?) Shut the fuck up, you going to fucking love me bitch
Or I'm a fucking put this gun in your fucking head" -'Sarah'

and of course there's the song title that everyone has been getting in a tizzy over, 'Bitch Suck Dick.'

Keep in mind that when Tyler says these things, that it's just a song and he is not serious whatsoever. That's no excuse for the things he does say, but you simply do not have to listen if it bothers you so much. It's really that simple. It's not his fault if young men misinterpret that and go out disrespecting women, it's theirs and they should face the consequences (need I remind you of Columbine and Marilyn Manson?) Those two shooters still would have killed others, regardless of what music they listened to and no blame should have been placed on Manson for simply making the music he wanted to.

None of these lyrics bother me personally, (but I will oblige that I do cringe at the use of "bitch" once in a while) because I am able to keep in mind that Odd Futue and Tyler are not serious and that they are not out there raping or being violent against women. The use of the words "faggot" and "homo" does not mean that they hate homosexuals either. Although Tyler did say he used to word to describe something that is stupid, it is at least somewhat better than being homophobic. If anyone has an issue with their lyrics as a whole, instead of complaining about them specifically, why doesn't everyone just complain about N.W.A. and the past groups that have paved the way for this kind of music?

The goal of this music and of this group is to be controversial and get a rise out of America and the world, which they have obviously done. Eminem 90s went for shock value in the 90s as well so the situation is no different, both do what they want and have fun with their craft.

"I'm not a fucking role model (I know this)
I'm a 19 year old fucking emotional coaster with pipe dreams
So Kanye tweeted tellin people, hes bumpin all of my shit
these motherfuckers think I'm supposed to live up to something?"
Tyler knows what he is doing, he is not a dumb, mindless individual. He's not trying to impress anyone or make kid-friendly rap (but what defines a "kid" these days anyways?) Tyler mentions that you don't have to listen to his music, and I agree wholeheartedly. Don't think differently of someone who enjoys it and don't look down on them for doing so. I know what type of person I am and  am not sexist/homophobic/[trying not to be] ableist/whatever-ist but I still enjoy this music nonetheless. It's fun. It's interesting. It's different than most other rap/hip hop out currently and that's what I appreciate most.

Saturday, May 21, 2011


What is said to be the best time of people's lives, the best night of their young lives, a momentous event-and I didn't go. You may think that I have a problem with this, but I couldn't have less of a problem with not going, in all honesty. I simply do not care and am indifferent about the whole situation. Maybe it's the fact that I have already removed myself from high school mentally and do not want to be involved with such a superficial event, maybe something else. Don't get me wrong, though; if I had been asked, I most certainly would have gone, but what is the point in going without a date or someone to share a slow dance with? Going solo just seems a bit silly and like an enormous waste of money. More power to the girls who find enjoyment out of simply going with friends, but that is not for me.

I could have gone if I really wanted to and if I really complained about it, but alas, I am not that type of person. I've been to a fair amount of high school dances anyways(two), so what is all that different about this other than the fact that girls spend upwards of $500 on a dress and spend the weekend at a lake-house? I don't need to attend a school sponsored event as an excuse to have sex and drink alcohol or do whatever else. Speaking of having sex, I wonder how many girls will lose their virginities this weekend. More power to them as well, I guess.

Well in closing, I just hope that when people realize that I didn't go, that they don't think I'm sad or that it's "uncool" or whatever else. I hope they respect the fact that I chose not to go, as much as I respect them for going and having a great time. I'm just fine with staying home and watching King of the Hill alone and just having some time for myself/reflection.

Friday, May 20, 2011


I find it strange that I somehow come to miss the parents of old boyfriends more than the person I had dated. I just find it so interesting how you come to know them very well and can see certain common personality traits in their sons. They also have so much to offer in terms of conversation and life experiences, which I value deeply. But most importantly, I appreciate them a lot since I don't live in a two-parent household currently and haven't since the age of 8, therefore, the family aspect is what I really enjoy and what I value being a part of.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Letters to a Young Poet: Sexuality/Gender

We had an assignment in my English class recently to make a "mash-up" or a collage, of a common theme in a book we had recently read. My teacher commended me for mine so I thought I'd share: Google Doc

Thurnis Haley

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

“Nothing gave her so much pleasure as to hear about the world above the sea.”