Saturday, May 21, 2011


What is said to be the best time of people's lives, the best night of their young lives, a momentous event-and I didn't go. You may think that I have a problem with this, but I couldn't have less of a problem with not going, in all honesty. I simply do not care and am indifferent about the whole situation. Maybe it's the fact that I have already removed myself from high school mentally and do not want to be involved with such a superficial event, maybe something else. Don't get me wrong, though; if I had been asked, I most certainly would have gone, but what is the point in going without a date or someone to share a slow dance with? Going solo just seems a bit silly and like an enormous waste of money. More power to the girls who find enjoyment out of simply going with friends, but that is not for me.

I could have gone if I really wanted to and if I really complained about it, but alas, I am not that type of person. I've been to a fair amount of high school dances anyways(two), so what is all that different about this other than the fact that girls spend upwards of $500 on a dress and spend the weekend at a lake-house? I don't need to attend a school sponsored event as an excuse to have sex and drink alcohol or do whatever else. Speaking of having sex, I wonder how many girls will lose their virginities this weekend. More power to them as well, I guess.

Well in closing, I just hope that when people realize that I didn't go, that they don't think I'm sad or that it's "uncool" or whatever else. I hope they respect the fact that I chose not to go, as much as I respect them for going and having a great time. I'm just fine with staying home and watching King of the Hill alone and just having some time for myself/reflection.

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