Sunday, June 19, 2011

Friday, June 3, 2011

A Playlist

 Molly - The Dopamines   The Dopamines          
Attaching Transmittals to Erection Drawings - The Steinways   Gorilla Marketing     Milemarking - Banner Pilot   Resignation Day       
Hey Jealousy - The Ergs!   Split 7"       
In One Ear - Iron Chic   Demo 2008           
Tonguebiter - Teenage Bottlerocket   They Came From the Shadows     
Sunday Morning - The Menzingers   Hold On, Dodge       
Dear Boys - Latterman   No Matter Where We Go!       
In A World Of Ghosts... - Lemuria   AOTU Single Series       
Spit Shining Shit - The Lawrence Arms   Buttsweat and Tears      
Worstest Case Scenario - The Dopamines   Soap And Lampshades (Ep)
Leather Jacket - Joyce Manor   Constant Headache    
Oh, Angela - The Steinways   Gorilla Marketing           
Spiders in a Garden - Lifetime   Lifetime       
Wired Wrong - Banner Pilot   Resignation Day   
Do You Still Hate Me? - Jawbreaker   24 Hour Revenge Therapy       
Timecop - Iron Chic   Demo 2008        
Jean Is Dead - Descendents   Milo Goes to College    
The Dispatch - The Dopamines   The Dopamines         
Call In Sick - Teenage Bottlerocket   They Came From the Shadows       
An Ode To Contra, Part 2 - Latterman   No Matter Where We Go!       
Dogs - Lemuria   Get Better       
The Redness In The West - The Lawrence Arms   Buttsweat and Tears       
Hellbound - Like Bats   Demo      
Arena Rock - The Steinways   Gorilla Marketing

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


My friend Julia has been showing me some new music lately of which I have been enjoying greatly. It's always so exciting when you can't stop listening to something so good and refreshing.

  • First is Glasser, a band I found through what she has shown me recently. Their album 'Ring' received an 8.0 from Pitchfork, so it must be good right? Absolutely. It is the perfect sleepy-time album and so incredibly relaxing. While listening, I usually picture myself under water with the warm sun reflecting off the surface all around me. 
If this album art doesn't make you want to listen, then that is a shame and you're missing out big time. (click photo for torrent)

  • Next is Cults. Like Charles Manson and Jonestown? No, not that kind. This is something far more comprehensible and completely harmless. The reason why I enjoy them so much might be because the female's voice reminds me of a more electric Sheena Ozzella of Lemuria fame. The beats are fun and I often find myself dancing to them without realizing it (most often in the shower). 

Their debut self-titled album has been released in Europe and will be released in the U.S. June 7th (but I'm sure if you look hard enough, you'll be able to find it.) They also have a session on Daytrotter- all you need to do is create an account and then downloads are free!

  • Last but certainly not least, is Tennis. I was apprehensive to give them a chance at first since I usually don't like the music Julia does, but boy am I glad I did. 'Cape Dory' is definitely going to be my go-to Summer album, hands down. This is certainly another band I find myself dancing to without realization. The songs are so catchy and reminiscent of a '40s Best Coast. You can't go wrong there. 
 (click picture for torrent)

Other things I have also been listening to lately include: The xx, Grizzly Bear, How to Dress Well,  and Tamaryn. So, in short, I really treasure finding new music that I instantly fall in love with (more or less). How some people never make an effort to listen to new types of music is bewildering and boring...there's so much out there! I pride myself off of expanding my music horizons and my quest in doing so is far from over.