Friday, June 3, 2011

A Playlist

 Molly - The Dopamines   The Dopamines          
Attaching Transmittals to Erection Drawings - The Steinways   Gorilla Marketing     Milemarking - Banner Pilot   Resignation Day       
Hey Jealousy - The Ergs!   Split 7"       
In One Ear - Iron Chic   Demo 2008           
Tonguebiter - Teenage Bottlerocket   They Came From the Shadows     
Sunday Morning - The Menzingers   Hold On, Dodge       
Dear Boys - Latterman   No Matter Where We Go!       
In A World Of Ghosts... - Lemuria   AOTU Single Series       
Spit Shining Shit - The Lawrence Arms   Buttsweat and Tears      
Worstest Case Scenario - The Dopamines   Soap And Lampshades (Ep)
Leather Jacket - Joyce Manor   Constant Headache    
Oh, Angela - The Steinways   Gorilla Marketing           
Spiders in a Garden - Lifetime   Lifetime       
Wired Wrong - Banner Pilot   Resignation Day   
Do You Still Hate Me? - Jawbreaker   24 Hour Revenge Therapy       
Timecop - Iron Chic   Demo 2008        
Jean Is Dead - Descendents   Milo Goes to College    
The Dispatch - The Dopamines   The Dopamines         
Call In Sick - Teenage Bottlerocket   They Came From the Shadows       
An Ode To Contra, Part 2 - Latterman   No Matter Where We Go!       
Dogs - Lemuria   Get Better       
The Redness In The West - The Lawrence Arms   Buttsweat and Tears       
Hellbound - Like Bats   Demo      
Arena Rock - The Steinways   Gorilla Marketing

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