Saturday, July 10, 2010

The Beginning

I started taking show photos at the very first one I attended, a Grown Ups, Like Bats, and Fischer show in Mac Haertl's basement I believe. I had no idea what to expect and I felt so out of place and had no idea what to do with my arms, legs, or facial expressions. HA! Even though the photos were terrible, I'm glad I at least had the courage to take some. Since then, I have bought a flash for my Canon and a flash for my film camera. Both have been helpful and the photos have significantly improved. I'd have to say though, disposable cameras are a godsend, or should I say the devil's gift? Anyways, they are small and easy to use, which helps when you're being pushed all over the place. I have not taken photos at every single show I've attended though, and I will be kicking myself forever. Here's a photo I took at Lautrec's final show at Strangelight. The atmosphere was just so great and I loved seeing the excitement on people's faces for being able to see their favorite band one last time. That's why I love taking these photos.

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