Sunday, July 18, 2010


All I had to eat yesterday, 7/17/10, was 2 pieces of toast and leftover stir-fry. That doesn't matter though, since I got to cuddle, watch It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia, and see Cap'n Jazz. It is something I will definitely remember for a long time. Everyone was just so sweaty and happy, it was great. I bought tickets to this show earlier this year, with someone who no longer matters but attended with a better someone. Of course I took pictures, which was extremely difficult what with all the shoving and sweat. Tim was on top of the crowd a few times, which I can't complain about. He grabbed my hand/wrist and I just about died. Those photos better come out alright. Why I brought a film camera and wore a dress and shoes with somewhat of a heel is beyond me. Sad it's over but at least I can see them again at Wicker Park Fest. Hopefully I'm hip enough for that.

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